4 Important Fields That Should Be in Event Registration Forms

If you’re organizing any event, creating a custom registration form and publishing it on your website could be very useful. It will essentially enable interested participants to sign up for the event, and take down their details so that you can get in touch with them – effectively allowing you to generate leads.

While each event registration form will be unique depending on the type of event and its nature, there are four important fields that you should definitely include:

The more important field (or fields) are those for the contact details of the participant. It is best to limit yourself to collecting a single class of contact information, such as the email, phone number, or mailing address. Asking for too many types of contact information won’t go over well with potential participants, and they may not sign-up if you do.

If you’re able to manage multiple channels of communication, you could leave the choice to the participant and let them select the preferred method of communication.

Seeing as part of the reason you’re organizing the event and registering participants is lead generation, it is safe to say you probably want to engage them using future communications. If that is the case you should be upfront about it, and allow them to opt-in or opt-out of it.

It doesn’t have to be a complicated opt-in or opt-out, and something as simple as a ‘yes or no’ question will suffice.

Adding conditional options can be a great way to personalize an event experience. For example you could add a conditional option for meals and if it is selected it could lead to further options regarding the type of meals.

Although this type of field is situational, it is a nice touch in registration forms as it will make participants feel they have options to choose from.

If your event requires a fee that needs to be paid, you should add it as a field in your form. Ideally that field will integrate with a popular payment processor that will safely and securely process it.

Most people recognize the more popular payment processors and trust them more than they would if you wanted them to disclose their credit card details directly.

As you can see each of these fields have an important role to play in event registration forms – but how and when you use them will be up to you. Additionally in order to use some of the fields listed above you will have to be able to customize your registration form, and for that it may help to use a platform such as the AidaForm Online Form Builder.

The next time you host an event, be sure to try creating a registration form to capture leads. When you do, think about how you want to add the fields listed above – and how they can benefit your form if you do.