6 Benefits of Using an Email Validation Service

Email validation is a key component email marketing success as it can remove invalid and risky addresses from your email list. Maintaining an email list hygiene is an important task that you must carry out at least a few times every year. Here are 6 benefits of using an email validation service. 

  1. Reduce Bounce Rate

An email validation system will help you reduce your bounce rate. This service is suitable for marketers who are experiencing a 3-5% bounce rate. Bounces can happen when there you have undeliverable addresses in your database. Sometimes the address is misspelled, other times it’s fake and won’t serve your goals.

An email validation service will scan your list to remove both hard and soft bounces. Hard bounces refer to email addresses that are permanently invalid and undeliverable. Soft bounces are email addresses that will forward auto-responders, for example, when the recipient is on holiday or his inbox is full.

  1. Higher Revenue Opportunity

If you have a high email bounce rate, you will get a bad sender reputation. If you send out to a lot of email addresses that are undeliverable, your email service provider will filter your email as spam and put your messages in the spam folder. Having a clean email list allows your emails to get better inbox placement. This, in turn, will improve the chances of your email getting seen and get more user engagement, which can lead to higher revenue opportunities.

  1. Reduce Your Email Marketing Costs

An email validation service can reduce the cost of your email marketing campaign. Many emailservice providers charge based on the number of emails you send out. Removing bad email addresses prevents you from wasting money on advertising to customers who are not interested in your product. In turn, it will increase your email marketing conversion rate.

  1. More Accurate Statistic Reports

Email service providers offer detailed reporting on all the subscribers in your list. It is difficult to find out what email marketing strategy works best, when you have a large percentage of subscribers not showing any response. Email validation services support better email hygiene, so you can receive more accurate email marketing statistics to guide you.

  1. Remove All Types of Bad Email Addresses

An email validation services canscan and clean your email list in a few minutes. It can delve deep into your database and remove all types of bad addresses, including duplicate email addresses, spam traps, abuse and catch-all emails.Also, when you decide to use such a system, you also get access to an email validation API. This is a piece of software that you can easily hook onto your website to collect safe, valid email addresses. The API works like a filter and won’t allow bad email addresses to register on your mailing list. 

  1. Higher Customer Satisfaction

With the help of an email validation service, you know what email addresses are undeliverable and can replace them with the correct email addresses. Sometimes, customers change their email addresses without informing you and you must take the initiative to find out their correct email addresses. This can help you achieve higher customer satisfaction. If your emails fail to land in your customers’ inbox, they may feel annoyed. Some may decide to quit using your product and turn to a competitor.

Use an email validator and an email validation API to keep your email list clean and make the most of your email blasts.