A Guide To Outsourcing Your Staff Offshore

Staff Offshore

Outsourcing is a popular buzzword at the moment and it is a productive way to improve the efficiency and productivity of any type of business. Somewhere such as the Philippines is a great place to outsource staff from for a number of reasons including the fact that the cost of living for Filipinos is generally lower than the cost of living in Western countries, meaning that they can afford to work for a lower salary – which, of course, saves you money.

Another obvious benefit to outsourcing certain job roles abroad is that you don’t need to train them in-house, provide them with a costly workspace that is fully equipped or give them any of the benefits that in-house staff receive such as paid holiday leave or sick pay. Good quality offshore staff however can be hard to find, which is why it is often a good idea to find a company that specialises in outsourcing as they will have access to a pool of qualified candidates that you don’t.

Why Outsource?

There are all kinds of reasons why a company owner will decide to outsource certain roles within a business, including the following:

If you can’t find qualified people to do the role
If you can’t afford to pay the people who are qualified to do the job on-site
If you don’t have the spare time or money to advertise and interview for the role
If you want to increase the productivity of your company, without adding anyone else into the office space
If you are concerned that your in-house staff members are being spread to thinly, as they are doing job tasks that they aren’t qualified to do

Outsourcing certain roles within a company is an extremely cost effective way to run a business and specialist job roles such as IT are the best types of jobs to outsource, as they are often the ones that cost the most amount of money to do in-house.

Communication is Key

You can stay in constant contact with your off-site outsourced employees via the following channels:

1) Skype
2) Emails
3) Telephone
4) Instant messenger systems

Some business owners are reluctant to hire their staff offshore and this is mainly because they feel as though they wouldn’t be able to communicate with them. However, this isn’t an issue when you use an outsourcing company to find your staff for you, as they will strive to only employ people who are willing to work business hours that suit your company and your time zone.

Being able to communicate with outsourced employees is vital and this is another reason why outsourcing roles to the Philippines is a good idea as English is a national language, making it easy to converse with them.

Whether you need to ease the pressure in-house on your employees, you want to start a new project or you just need to save some money on your outgoings; outsourcing your employees offshore can be a lucrative step forward.