Many people look at an Arts degree and think … what type of job will I get at the end of my course? An Arts degree can take you anywhere and this applies to your career and the world of employment. One of the biggest advantages to studying an Arts degree is the skills are transferable into many different careers and to many different countries. Similar to traditional vocational courses like science and engineering an Arts degree also teaches critical thinking problem-solving and generally increases your overall knowledge. However each subject or topic that you cover in the Arts degree doesn’t have a specific vocation tied to it at the end of your course. This is where your creativity and passion for life comes into play.
What is it Like to Study Art?
Having an Arts degree makes you a stronger member of society as it teaches you how to think critically and communicate in an interesting way about many topics. The study of art teaches students how to understand ideas theories movement policies patterns language and reasoning in society and throughout history. It is widely research based and you will discover many new ideas and theories that you otherwise wouldn’t be exposed to. It is the perfect degree for students who have not yet picked the career path that they want to take. There are a plethora of subjects to choose from and this enables students to try a multitude of disciplines that will give an all round education and awareness.
However, not all art students are so undecided on their career path. Many students already know what they want to achieve once they have finished their program and the options are almost endless. This type of degree lets you design your own program and to an extent schedule. Generally, an arts degree will be designed so that you have a major and minor in a subject. You major in the subject that you have the studied the most and minor in the subject/s that you have given less amount of time to. It is structured so that you attend lectures (generally 1-2 hours of lecturing about the weeks topic) and a tutorial, a much smaller class where you dive deep into the topic and research you have conducted over the week. In order to find out more about an arts degree or where you can study it visit and utilise the research they have already conducted for you about arts degrees from around the world.
What does My Future Hold?
By logging on to you can pick the courses that you would like to study and find universities from around the world that offer them. Whether you choose to undertake your whole degree overseas or just do a semester abroad an arts degree is one of the best courses to do this with because the topics and theories are universal. This type of experience can only add to your resume and make you an even more valuable candidate for a job. Once an employer sees that you are willing to work outside your comfort zone and that you are independent enough to study overseas you make yourself more valuable.
The beauty of an arts degree is that you can design your own course. If you are unsure of what you want your career path to be you have the opportunity to use your first year as a veritable tasting platter of subjects that strike your fancy. You can try anything from English social science journalism to philosophy history and psychology. During your first year you have the freedom to get a feel for university life and the subjects that you want to continue with.
There’s a variety of careers you could choose from after completing your arts degree and some of the most popular ones include education psychology journalism social work and marketing. These career paths require you take on a post-graduate degree at the end of your BA. However throughout your time in your arts degree you will have garnered the skills necessary to get through any post graduate degree that you choose. Don’t want to continue studying? Then be assured your arts degree will have equipped you with the skills that HR managers find extremely appealing especially critical thinking problem solving decision making and evaluation.
Fields of Work and Industry
Throughout your degree you will gain skills that are valuable in a multitude of different industries. You will learn how to understand and evaluate issues think creatively organise your workload convey meaning conduct research lead and participate in discussions develop opinions propose ideas and theories be objective and have self-confidence in your opinions. Almost any job that you can think of requires these skills. Fields as far and wide as teaching aids to tourism and hospitality workers. If you chose to complete all or some of your degree overseas you will also have had the chance to explore the world and make connections in your field. You have the opportunity to take your degree anywhere in the world challenge yourself!
One of the biggest concerns for most graduates of an arts degree once they have completed their program is that they don’t know where to even begin looking for a job. This is especially true for students who have made no clear decision about what they want to do as a career. Well just like the first year of an arts degree is a smorgasbord to excite your senses; once you have graduated from your arts degree you have all the necessary skills to try your hand with any one of the following employers until you find the right fit of course. – Universities; schools, Public & private Not-for-profit organisations. – Fire and ambulance services. – Insurance companies. – Hospitals and health promotion agencies. – Manufacturing Industry. – Telecommunications providers – Retail Companies – Police forces – Art galleries and museums – Small and medium enterprises Not to mention your unique ability to see trends and patterns in society research what is lacking and maybe even create your own small business or startup company.
Final Words an Arts Degree
The biggest piece of advice we can leave you with is that you have to take an arts degree seriously. There is a risk that it could turn into a fluffy mess filled with drinking and lazing around. However if you go into the degree with a strong work ethic and a plan for your future even if you don’t have a specific career path in mind an arts degree can teach you many different transferable skills that will stay with you throughout your life and your career. Create a list of all of the skills that you have collected throughout your degree and when it comes to writing resumes or answering job ads you have all of the answers necessary to meet the criteria.