Best 6 Effective jQuery Form Validation Techniques

The ultimate objective of jQuery Form Validation is to make sure that the information provided by user is accurate and proficiently formatted, which is very important to complete the ongoing process. Wait! Are you still pondering over what actually does that term jQuery mean? Well, for all the beginners, here is a brief introduction to jQuery- it is a compact programming code written in JavaScript that generally leverages the output of the developers by integrating various advanced functionalities of the user interface. jQuery framework has been optimized to design apps for touch enabled devices. Being compatible with most desktop and mobile applications, jQuery allows designing mobile applications which are device agnostic. jQuery Mobile App Development services are meant to design such applications which work across smart phone and tablet browsers to to offer increased user engagement and brand awareness.

A lot many jQuery Form Validation Techniques are available online, equipped with all demo and tutorials. Some are easy to understand while others might take time to get noticed by the developers.

Whenever a form is being validated, the developer needs to reload it which sometimes might result in the loss of some data. However, with the integration of some effective validation techniques, a developer can easily avoid these situations by learning some propulsive ways to make the validation perfect.

Advantage Of Opting To jQuery Form Validation Technique

As discussed above, an effectual jQuery form validation technique is highly useful for preventing the data loss and boosting up the functioning of the whole process. Such techniques proffer an ultimate control to the developer for either concealing or revealing the entered content as per the requisites. This is where jQuery comes into action; it not only eases the validation but also leverages the implementation. Utilizing the power of jQuery, the web developers have now got access to myriad validation forms; each one is unique in its visibility and functionality.

Last but not the least, jQuery powered validation forms are intuitive and can be used easily.

List Of Top 6 Effectual jQuery Form Validation Techniques

Here are few best jQuery From Validation techniques which must be followed:

Form With Latest Styling And Functionality

Now creating an advanced form is not a rocket science; it can simply be done with jQuery. This programming language can be used for revealing or hiding the data as per the requisites. For the same, you will be needing 3 plugins wherein one will be used for styling, the other will be for validating and the last would be for sequencing the data. Keep in mind that PHP will be used for saving the username and email address for all other purposes of sending mail.

Form Validation Using Through Add-ons

A number of plugins are available in the market that have simplified the creation of form validation. This is one of the lightweight and most flexible solutions, which is used to create page right from the scratch. jQuery validate plugin works well for this purpose though it won’t be as advanced and powerful as an official plugin would be.

Using jQuery To Add Form Validate Into WordPress Comments

Creating a form validation with improved user experience is so easy with jQuery. One can now easily integrate form validation into WordPress comments with the help of jQuery. This ultimately ensures a faster page loading with zero or minimum data loss.

Having jQuery And PHP On Both The Sides Of The Form Validation

Using JavaScript and jQuery on the client-side and PHP on server-side technique will diligently help in form validation. This can be done with or without enabling the JavaScript.

Creating WordPress & jQuery Contact Form Without Using Any Add-on

Even a custom page template can be used to create the contact form in WordPress and that too with no use of plugins. Various statements with different conditions are used to deduce the status of submission form during this process.

Utilizing Client-Side JavaScript Method For Validation Form

There are manifold jQuery plugins available for creating validation form. These plugins are high on flexibility factor which can be leveraged and improved using the client-side JavaScript approach.

Implementing these techniques successfully simplifies the form validation process. A developing form can also be developed using the custom page. However, there are multiple techniques (specifically plugins) available to do the same, all you need to do is choose the right one as per your requisites.

Glimpse Of The Top-Rated jQuery Form Validation Plugins

Here we have compiled a list of some widely used jQuery Form validation plugins:

Check functions of each of these plugins specifically to know which plugin would suit your requisites in a perfect manner. There are tutorials available to each of these plugins to let you understand their functioning in a better way, so look in for the demo and tutorials to decide the one that perfectly matches your needs. These tutorials can readily make you understand how to use JavaScript for an effective form validation. Also, this will help you in reducing the errors taking place during the process. After all, jQuery is not that difficult to work with.

Conclusion: As discussed above, there are many or you can say countless methods that can help one in implementing form validation. Odds are that not all techniques render the desired solutions, some may fail or other may even do the process majestically. So carefully plan a form validation technique for your website that aims to induce higher usability and simplicity.

Author Bio: Nola Arney is a senior analyst at HTMLPanda who holds a professional background in accomplishing successful web projects on HTML and its verticals. She also write blogs and articles as she believes in sharing all her experience and knowledge she had in her field.