Build An Unforgettable Personal Brand

How do you think your employees, associates or customers feel about you? The answer you get may define your personal brand. John Jantsch gave the most descriptive definition of the personal brand. He defined Branding as “The art of becoming likeable, trustable and knowable.” That is what we feel about Disney, Apple or Adidas. If we don’t learn to manage our personal brand perfectly as these companies are managing, there are chances that people may assign us a default brand. In the era where social media plays an important role in maintaining the reputation of the brand, it is essential to manage what others talk and feel about you. Here are some of the tips that will help you in managing your personal brand so you can have a better control of your business.

Do not ask yourself “Who am I and where I stand” rather, ask “Who am I not and where do I wish to see myself 10 years down the line” Experts agree by a quote written by the Peters States in his seminal book, ” The Brand You 50″. It says, ” Brand is as much about what a product ‘is not’ as about what ‘it is’.”

Personal branding is nothing more than continuously accelerating and elevating the leadership talent that will help you in aligning with the market. If they are not aligned, you have a lot of work to do.