How Do You Know If You Can Claim Compensation For A Work Accident? Your Questions Answered

Sometimes, even with safety measures and precautions, accidents can occur in the workplace. It could just be a combination of bad luck, wrong timing, or a clumsy manoeuvre, but the fact is that there needs to be someone accountable if you can prove that the accident happened through no fault of your own.

Workplace injuries can range from minor to severe, including sprained or broken wrists and ankles, burns, and even amputations – extending all the way to spinal injuries that could result in paralysis. If you have become a victim of a workplace accident, what should you know – and, more importantly, what should you do?

Know the UK Laws

First and foremost, you should have a good knowledge of the laws in the UK regarding claims for compensation in workplace accidents. For instance, your employer is held legally accountable or responsible for the safety and welfare of their workers as well as any visitors to their business premises. Under the law, all companies should have insurance as well as follow regulations when it comes to Health and Safety. If you have a suspicion that your employer was not able to follow the laws and regulations, then you can file for compensation. As a matter of fact, in certain instances, even if you yourself had a role in your workplace accident, your employer may still be liable for compensation – if you can prove that your employer is still primarily at fault in the accident.

Reasons for filing a claim for compensation for a workplace accident

There are various reasons for filing a claim for compensation for a workplace accident, but if you slip or fall at work, you may be eligible for compensation. The same is true if you can prove that there are dangerous processes and procedures in your place of work, resulting in your accident, and if your employer is making you use defective equipment or equipment that is not well-maintained. You can also file a claim if your workplace environment is filled with toxic or dangerous substances which are not properly contained, or if you are victim to a falling item or object in the workplace.

If your employer does not follow various regulations for Health and Safety, you can file a claim as well. Other reasons for filing a claim includes a co-worker’s negligence; improper, incomplete, or insufficient training for the workforce; an assault which occurs at work; a workplace accident due to the operation of heavy machinery such as a crane or forklift, and injuries related to industrial tasks such as vibration white finger or hand-arm vibration syndrome.

Compensation specialists like those from know very well how important it is to be safe where you work. If you want help with claiming compensation, you can always turn to