How To Stay Fit When You Work A Desk Job

Some jobs make it harder to stay in shape than others, no matter how much you work out before or after your shift. Desk jobs are among the worst because though the job itself is likely an easy experience, the strain that your body experiences from being still for too long can have bad long-term consequences. Studies have shown the increased risks of encountering illnesses and experiencing an injury that is associated with sitting for at least 40 hours a week.

However, you can find several methods for keeping your health in check if this is the kind of job you have. You can use the office and building to exercise, as well as monitor what you eat on your down time. Keep these tips in mind so that your desk job doesn’t prevent you from staying fit.

Make Time to Walk

Doing sprints or running a mile every day isn’t always necessary for having good cardio. Sometimes, all you need is a good walk. If your job requires that you sit down for most of your shift, then it helps to use any opportunity to get up and move around. You can go for a two- or five-minute walk every 30 minutes so that your time away from the desk doesn’t affect how much you get done. Use the stairs and stay clear of the elevator as much as possible if you have enough free time to walk around the building. This will help you avoid small talk and other obstacles that can get in the way of your exercise.

You can go for a walk before and after work, depending on how far your job is from where you live. You can walk from your home to a nearby bus stop or train station if you take public transportation. This can be added to the chances to walk at work, thus giving you more time to improve your heart rate. If you need a car to get to work, park as far away from the building as possible and walk to your office.

Walking can also help you develop relationships with co-workers and lead to chances for success at your job. You can walk with some friends on a break and use that time to talk about work, which can make the walk longer and lead to discussions about ideas for the company.

Use the Environment to Your Advantage

Adjusting the way you position yourself while you’re doing your work can help you avoid the troubles down the line with the heart, eyes and brain that are associated with being still for big portions of the day. Make sure to sit erect and keep your shoulders back so that you don’t hunch or lean over, which will benefit your posture in the long run.

See if you can trade your desk for an adjustable option that lets you stand while you do your work. You’ll still be able to relax without feeling sluggish at the end of the day the way you would if you were sitting. It’s an even greater deal if your company can afford treadmill desks so that you can get some cardio and work done at the same time.

You may also be lucky enough to work in a building that has a gym and swimming pool available to people who are employed there. If that’s the case, schedule a short period during your shift for getting a workout in. If you don’t have time during your shift, then make some time before or after work. Some gyms at these companies also come with yoga classes, which gives you a chance to get some stretching and deep breathing done after sitting for hours. Several accredited online degree programs are available, including one as a yoga instructor, in case you want to take some co-workers with you and show them some techniques you learned.

Eat the Right Food

Making sure that you’re eating right is just as important for your health as staying physically active. Some buildings come with food courts that don’t provide the most healthful options for breakfast or lunch, and the restaurants near your office may not have the fruits, vegetables and other important nutrition sources that you need on a daily basis. These factors, combined with the energy needed to deal with sitting all day, makes it more tempting to snack, which research has shown is a major cause of weight gain. Vending machines make chips, cookies, and similar snacks easily accessible, so be sure to stay away from them, no matter how tempting they are.

Proper alternatives that will help you stay fit include fruits such as apples, grapes, blueberries and strawberries, as well as vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, celery and salads. Cravings are common when you sit for most of the time, so have these snacks handy in case you get hungry throughout the day.

Other treats that will keep you focused and feeling good during your shift include nuts, yogurt and trail mix. Vitamins and supplements can come in handy if sitting all day has already started to take its toll, and you can check out Lipodrene reviews to see which ones best suit you.

Use these tactics to ensure that your desk job won’t get in the way of being fit and feeling good.