Reasons Why Students Should Be Taught Computers And Technology

Portrait of smart schoolgirls and schoolboys looking at the laptop in classroom

Technology and computers are like the oxygen of our lives. With their existence only we can think about progressing towards an age where we have a solution to everything available at the press of a button. Through technology we can not only reach places and spread awareness or education where it is so important, but also create a bridge to fill the gaps between the developed places and cities where life is completely different for example, areas of Africa and India. The focus on technology is highly important, be it academic or otherwise. Students should from day one be exposed to various technological learning so they can better equip themselves with the necessary skills for the future.

When we talk about integrating technology for classroom learning, some might think that it just relates to basic teaching and computer skills, but that is not the case. There is a concept called effective tech integration, which must be done across the curriculum where deemed necessary and important. The concept supports four components of learning, this means when the technology is effectively integrated into the curriculum, the school or the class will manage to achieve four major things.  First is the active engagement, second relates to participating in groups, third is frequent interaction and finally, the feedback along with relevant practical knowledge. There are various reasons for effective technology integration in the modern educational institutions. Today’s blog is going to talk about why technology should be integrated into the curriculum of the modern day education system.

Improved Activity In The Classroom:

It has been noted that the technological development and use have always improved the learning and growth of students. When students learn various skills with computer, they are even more motivated and want to learn more. This is why using the technological counterparts in classroom is becoming increasingly popular as well as important. Classes that still rely on old conventional ways of teaching now struggle to keep the motivation and productivity of students up to a desired level.

Variety And Differences:

When you talk about variations in learning, technological skills can really provide a way for students to improve and enhance their learning with variations. When students find variety in learning they want to get much improved understanding and also develop better knowledge base. Simple and ordinary learning is the thing of the past now and it is important for students to focus on learning from different avenues.

Practical Knowledge:

Students must also work with technology in their schools to ensure they get practical relevance and knowledge of the lessons they learn. This helps them create better value of the teaching and also connect their learning with future practical use.


When students interact with teachers along with the use of computers, they can better find themselves in a position to participate even more. Participating and interaction in class means that the students are happy and they are really learning new things. It helps teachers gauge the understanding and productivity levels of their students as well.

Author Bio:

Jacqueline Smith is the author of this blog post. Jacqueline works as a consultant at a software house Mind Aqua. She also likes to post blogs for the site and her blogs are usually research based with critical elements involving various facts and figures. They are largely appreciated by the online community.