What Are The Pros and Cons Of A Curved TV?

Once the newest television technology, are curved TVs worth investing in?


The big idea of curved screens is to arch the image forward, immersing you in the world you are watching. The images wrap around you more, entering your peripheral vision, drawing you deeper.

People often remark that the picture looks 3D, and this is due to the curving edges enhancing visual perception. Some manufacturers apply depth enhancement processes which adjust the contrast in images to boost field depth. Curved TVs can focus light more directly, with around 1.5x higher contrast than normal TVs. The curve adapts the direction of light, making the colour and contrast retain an almost perfect accuracy.

Curving the edges of the TV towards the viewer gives the impression of a wider image, appearing to stretch across the wall. The curved TV still makes the lists of best TVs.

A positive factor in interior design within your home, curved TVs add a cool touch. For Stroud TV aerial repair look at companies such as


Direct light opposite the TV reflected on a curved screen will be stretched across a wider area, and distort a larger proportion of the image than a flat screen. You’ll probably find you need to control the light with blinds or curtains.

The curved screen can affect the image’s geometry. At about 35 degrees at the sides of the screen is when it really becomes uncomfortable to watch, and tiring as your brain tries to make sense of the distorted images.

To get the best from a curved TV there is one seat on the sofa that will give you the maximum impact from the curved screen. You need to be sat right at the centre of the TV, at the right distance, making the area to fully appreciate the screen benefits quite small.

The effectiveness of the curved screen is proportionate to size. In 55-inch screens the benefits can be pretty minimal, with some problems such as the seating issues emphasised. With larger models it is easier to appreciate the benefits and picture quality.

Although you can buy wall mounts, curved TVs tend to look awkward when hung against the wall. Flat screens, are designed to hang flush on the wall, whereas curved TVs protrude from the wall.